Of Queerness And Being In School

by deepanshukundu

Welcome to NazariyaLGBT.org

Posted By: Mann B

Art By: Lerath

Being queer in school’s hard.

Being queer in an Indian school’s even harder.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

School was never easy for me. What did I expect? Adolescence is a time when a human is – considering the appropriate medical terminology – a hot mess. Growing up, I was repeatedly singled out in school, and it gradually became clear as to why. I was objectified: my only purpose was to  compliment other people’s narratives, be it for comic relief or to satisfy their curiosity. My identity was as irrelevant to them as its validity. No one asked who I was; they just knew that there existed only one effeminate kid in school who they could easily project their insecurities and sexist ignorance on.

I was once followed to the washroom by a group of boys and till this date, I…

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